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Why My Dr. Refused to Operate on My Tits

Writer: Nat La PirateNat La Pirate

Updated: Apr 12, 2023

I used tits in the title, is that what made you click?

No matter what brought you here, I'm glad you came. These are two short stories of why doctors refused to operate on my chest at 15 and why my pharmacist gave me all the time I needed to determine if Depot Lupron was the right choice for me when I was 29. I'll also ask a very pressing set of questions at the end of it.

12 Years Old

I started my rag at the age of 9, like most of the women in my family. By age 11, my body was well on its way to "maturity". But there was a problem....

... my breasts were not growing together. I was developing "lumps" in the breast that grew.

Yes, you heard me: one side remained flat while the other grew with malignant tumors. My pediatrician at the time told my mom it was normal; growth could happen this way, and to give it time.

14 Years Old

Well, by 14 I was dressing is super baggy tops, wearing a t-shirt to go swimming, and hiding my upper body as much as I could.

And so it was finally determined I did not grow "normally". I was referred to a specialist: a plastic surgeon.

You know why? Because my Dr. cited "psychological damage". A young woman who does not have a semblance of a normal chest could live a life of crap, social rejection, and lack of intimacy. Hence, a surgery was suggested. One side would get an implant. The other would be reconstructed. But -- and this was a BIG BUT --

-- the surgeon REFUSED TO OPERATE until they could CONFIRM my GROWTH was DONE. Yes. Common sense, right? I was 15, and although I matured at a much faster rate than most girls my age, the surgeon respected science and until he could prove my growth was done, NO SURGERY. Right before my 16th birthday, I was approved to go under the knife and started my sweet sixteen with new babes I like to call Pride and Joy. Yes, I named them. Pride is the reconstructed one, Joy is the one that got the implant.

I can't express the joy I felt. No more tees at the pool. No more "baggy-only" clothes. Maybe a date? A whole new world opened up to me.

13 Years Later, Menopause

By the time I reached my late 20's, another medical shit show hit me. Apparently (according to the science of the time), I have a "genetic flaw" that makes me prone to developing abscesses INSIDE ME.

The biggest hit was the 7cm by 14cm by 11cm softball I had growing in my fallopian tube. By this time, I had been under the knife having these puss balls sucked out of me a few times. But this was the motherload. This is also what triggered Depot Lupron into my life.

After my surgery (they removed my fallopian tube), my gynecologist suggested we "reboot" my reproductive system by halting it.

Yes. HALTING MY REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM by chemically inducing my menopause. How would they do this?

With the same drug they use to castrate pedophiles.

Oh, we also give this to kids now, but more on that later.

That drug is DEPOT LUPRON. For the next year, I would experience a hell that I put right up there with grieving my father's death.

Depot Lupron XR (extended release), was injected into me for 6 months, with 3 more TO GET OVER THE SIDE EFFECTS.

I could write a whole other article about just THAT. The side effects. I won't get into details, but I'll try to make this quick: Depot Lupron lead to:

  • suicidal thoughts

  • self isolation

  • electrical "shocks" up my neck

  • speech problems

  • walking problems

  • massive headaches

  • brain fog

  • insomnia

  • no libido

  • + all of your typical symptoms of menopause

My family Dr. treated my SIDE EFFECTS with:

  • Citalopram

  • Olanzapine

  • Seroquel XR

  • Trazodone

  • Paxil

So that's the gist of it, but not my pain point. Before I started taking this disastrous drug that we use to castrate pedophiles, my pharmacist had a LONG talk with me.

You know that "1% of people will experience" section on medication pamphlets? That's me. I have about 16 medical allergies to pharmaceuticals.

So he sat me down to go over ALL of the side effects from Depot Lupron. Here is some information right from the producer: Limitations of Use The total duration of therapy with LUPRON DEPOT 3.75 mg or 11.25 mg plus add-back therapy should not exceed 12 months due to concerns of bone thinning.

Uterine Fibroids

LUPRON DEPOT 3.75 mg or 11.25 mg with iron therapy is used before fibroid surgery to improve anemia due to vaginal bleeding from fibroids for patients in whom 3 months of hormonal suppression is deemed necessary. The duration of therapy with LUPRON DEPOT is limited to 3 months. The symptoms associated with fibroids will return after stopping therapy.

Limitations of Use LUPRON DEPOT 3.75 mg or 11.25 mg is not used in combination with norethindrone acetate add-back therapy before fibroid surgery to improve anemia due to vaginal bleeding from fibroids.


General Safety Information

  • Do not take LUPRON DEPOT 3.75 mg and 11.25 mg if you are or may be pregnant, have undiagnosed uterine bleeding, or if you have experienced any type of allergic reaction to LUPRON DEPOT or similar drugs.

  • Thinning of the bones may occur during therapy with LUPRON DEPOT, which may not be completely reversible in some patients. Since some conditions may increase the possibility of bone thinning, you should tell your doctor if you smoke, use alcohol in excess, have a family history of osteoporosis (thinning of the bones with fractures), or are taking other medications that can cause thinning of the bones. You should be aware that if you have these conditions, treatment with LUPRON DEPOT alone for endometriosis is not advisable and combination with norethindrone acetate should be considered. Add-back therapy can help reduce the bone loss that occurs with the use of LUPRON DEPOT alone. If a second course of treatment with LUPRON DEPOT is being considered, bone mineral testing is recommended and retreatment should include combination with norethindrone acetate. If your doctor prescribes you norethindrone acetate in combination with LUPRON DEPOT 3.75 mg or 11.25 mg for endometriosis, please refer to the norethindrone acetate prescribing information for more information about its safe and effective use.

  • LUPRON DEPOT may cause harm to your unborn child. LUPRON DEPOT is not a method of birth control. Even though you may not have periods, unprotected intercourse could result in pregnancy. You should use non-hormonal birth control, such as condoms, a diaphragm with contraceptive jelly, or a copper IUD, to prevent pregnancy. If you think you have become pregnant while on LUPRON DEPOT, talk to your doctor immediately.

  • Serious allergic reactions have been reported with LUPRON DEPOT use. Asthma was reported in women with a history of asthma, sinusitis, and environmental or drug allergies. Serious allergic reactions have also occurred.

  • After beginning LUPRON DEPOT, your estrogen levels will increase during the first days of therapy. During this time, you may notice an increase in your current symptoms. You should notify your doctor if you develop any new or worsened symptoms after beginning LUPRON DEPOT treatment.

  • Seizures have been observed in patients taking LUPRON DEPOT, including patients who have a history of seizures or conditions related to seizures or in patients who are taking medications that are connected to seizures. Seizures have also been reported in patients without any of these conditions.

  • Depression may occur or worsen while taking LUPRON DEPOT, especially in patients who have a history of depression. Patients should be carefully observed during treatment. Immediately report thoughts and behaviors of concern to your doctor.

  • The most common side effects of LUPRON DEPOT included hot flashes/sweats, headache/migraine, decreased libido (interest in sex), depression/emotional lability (changes in mood), dizziness, nausea/vomiting, pain, vaginitis, and weight gain. These are not all of the possible side effects of LUPRON DEPOT. Talk to your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

  • LUPRON DEPOT for endometriosis or anemia associated with uterine fibroids has been limited to women 18 years of age and older. LUPRON DEPOT is not indicated in postmenopausal women.


Can you see WHY it was important for my pharmacist to sit down with me? Why he asked me to read, re-read, and think LONG AND HARD before taking this medication?

And I didn't even show you the "1% of people" part.

So why did I write this article today? Because we're chopping kids balls off, breasts off, and giving them this shit as a hormone blocker. BC Hospital is PROUD about chopping breasts off: they made VIDEOS flaunting kids as young as 14 getting double-mastectomies. All in the name of "gender affirming care". FOR THOSE IN BACK:

We are DRUGGING and BUTCHERING CHILDREN before puberty, before their brain is developed, before they have the consciousness to make the right decision, the biggest decision of their lives.

They will know no orgasm: imagine having to insert something into your "neo-vagina" to make sure the slit doesn't close -- YOUR WHOLE LIFE. Remember the starlet trans kid, Jazz? Watch this, tell me you think this is normal. Tell me Jazz seems happy:

My questions to you who is reading this: When the fuck did we lose the plot and decide it was OK to make kids feel like they're in the wrong body?

When the fuck did we go from caring for kids to butchering them?

Who the fuck decided it was OK to give DEPOT LUPRON to kids as a puberty blocker?

My friend, I write this today because I just can't stay silent. Enough is enough. We're sending kids into a future where they will never know an orgasm, won't be able to have kids, and will be in a perpetual state of depression because "gender affirm" without care! All of you cheering for this shit, you're child abuse enablers.

All the to doctors performing these surgeries? You WILL be held accountable, it's only a matter of time.

The tides are turning: just look for a lizard emoji in a Twitter bio, and you know they're de-transitioners (the ones NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT). In fact, I invite you, the reader, to follow these accounts when you see them.

They are human, just like you and I. They need CARE. They need to know we support them. Why? Because trans-activists don' t hold back. They attack in mobs. They tear you down, call you a TERF, bigot, [insert buzzword here].

Here's Billboard Chris, a one-man-show that has been travelling across North America just having very stoic and composed conversations with people on the topic of treating gender dysphoria in children with drugs and surgery, letting adults know what's actually going on (you'd be surprised how many have no clue.).

He has children. He loves all. He has NOTHING against being trans. He has something against the butchering of children.

Here's what happened to him YESTERDAY in BC:

VPD is in hot water. They've also restricted replies: I wonder why?

The New Lizards in Town

Let's say Twitter has become a lizard terrarium. People who were conditioned and groomed as children, who were given no other help beyond "gender affirming care", are coming out, and there's nothing the child abusers can do about it.

I'm going to end this with my fave Queen, an OG from the Club Kids, Ru Paul:

If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an amen?

If a child going through the awkward phase in life feels like they're in the wrong body and hate themselves, they're missing the key ingredient to happiness.

And instead of talking with them, raising them up, you just say "OK" and chop tits off. WTF. "HaVe KiDs NaT, YoU'd Be A gOoD mOm." Yeah. I'd also be in a jail. Don't. TOUCH. THE KIDS.

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